
Friday, August 2, 2013


Soooo sorry I haven't been on lately loves! I've had so much going on but I'll try to update you as much as I can....

So I told my mom about me losing my financial aid a few days ago. I ended up telling her on her birthday -_- and surprisingly, she wasn't really angry with me. It was mostly disappointment. She was irritated of course but I didn't get one of those "stern talking-to" type of conversations. I was more embarrassed than anything else. See, what drives me is making my parents proud. I mean they tell me all the time about how proud of me they are. I just feel like I haven't really done anything for them to be proud of....well at least nothing of any merit. Well then again I did graduate high school without getting pregnant so maybe that is pretty commendable in these days..... :)

We have a plan though and I know what I'm going to write in my appeal. Now I don't have any "extenuating circumstances" like they asked for but I do have some things I could say but if it doesn't work, I have a back up plan. I'll probably have to transfer to a community college or a school closer to home to get my credits back up before going back. If it works, I'll get my financial assistance back but I'll be on academic probation for 2 years. It seems extremely long but I don't care, I'll gladly do it and shut up!

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