
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jesus and Yeezus

So a few days ago, Kanye West brought a real life Jesus onstage while performing "Jesus Walks" at one of his concerts on his Yeezus tour and a whole lot of people had something to say about it. 

Of course Christians and other religious folk found it disrespectful which is a shock to nobody. But what I found to be the most interesting is how some members of the Black community took it. A lot of them were more upset that Kanye had Jesus as a White man instead of as a Black man. Like seriously? -__- Who gives a shit? Jesus is depicted as a White ALL THE DAMN TIME! No matter if it's a movie, tv show, painting etc, and nobody says anything! He's almost always portrayed as a White man. I'm sure nobody walked out of The Passion of the Christ complaining about Jesus's ethnicity. But Kanye does something slightly similar and it's a big deal. 

Now let me clarify, when I say the Black community, I don't mean the fans. I mean Black activist groups and other people like that. Personally, I don't really care. I think it was creative. Nobody has ever done that before and it was pretty cool.

I think people are just looking for a reason to bitch and complain. What's the big deal? Just leave it alone. Who really gives a shit?

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